Alternative Pane Layouts

We have been thinking a bit about layout of the panes in v2.

The current layout (1) is this on 1 screen:


  • the red arrows show splitters that can be resized
  • A = action pane
  • F = flow canvas
  • O = options for selected item
  • D = data for selected item
  • L = run log

In 2 screen mode it looks like this:

In the current pane layout, the Log pane probably has too much width and the Data pane probably not enough width. So we have been thinking about some alternatives and would welcome some feedback.


  • We don’t want to make any radical changes, as that would be too confusing for users.
  • We will probably stick with the current 2 screen layout, only the 1 screen layout is likely to change.
  • Modal windows (ones that don’t allow you to do anything, until you close them) break the flow. So we won’t be changing any of the panes to modal windows.
  • Floating windows get in the way and are annoying. So we won’t be changing any of the panes to floating windows.

Layout (2):

The Data pane takes some space from the Log pane. You could use the splitter to hide the Log pane altogether.

Layout (3):

The Log pane is now a tab in the Data pane and the Data pane has a lot more width. This means you can’t see the Log pane at the same time as the Data pane. I’m not convinced about this one.

Layout (4):

The Data pane gets more width at the expense of the Action pane. This could involve a lot of scrolling in the Action pane to find the button you want. I’m not convinced about this one.

Yes, we would implement all of the above and let you choose in Preferences. But that’s a lot of work for us and places more cognitive burden on the user, so we aren’t going to do that! But we might allow 2 layouts, the current one and an alternative.

Thoughts? Which would you use? Have you got a better idea?


I vote for Layout Two as alternative.


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I too prefer option 2 among those, and agree with the reasons for excluding 3 & 4.

Here are two further options.

Flow pane gets full width, with the Log and Option panes encroaching on Data when necessary, or vice versa.


This one also has full width for the Flow window, more natural space for Data and Options. The Log window encroaches on Flow as needed. It is a bit wide.

Edit: The divider between D and O should be moveable on that diagram also.

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(5) I plan to keep the Option pane above the Data pane in full screen or screen 2 when in 2 screen mode. So this would move the 2 panes from side-by-side to one above the other, each time you made that switch. Which is not ideal.

(6) I think this gives the Log pane a lot more width than it needs. And you wouldn’t end up with much space for the flow pane if the Log pane was visible. Also it has the same side-by-side to one above the other issue as (5).

The log lines are usually quite long, it would be good to have a configuration in which this is maintained, providing however more room for data view, currently a bit cramped…
I prefer 3 and 6.
But I have to admit that I look at the log mostly when transforms take too long, which is not that often.

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Judging by the modest amount of feedback, the current layout isn’t a major issue?

not really, at least from my side.

Only topic to mention, I would like to be able to move the windows size up and down the windows of the O and D part and size them myself. Some times I need to see more data rows than offered and less options or vice versa.

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My ‘like’ is more for variable data pane width than height. Not being a major item should not leave it entirely by the wayside. This is one of three small UI improvements I originally raised.

either leave it as it is,
make these things user-configurable.

You’ll never find one design that suits your discerning users.

The plan is to have the current layout and probably 1 alternative as options that can be chosen by the user.

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I am generically fine with the layout too but would appreciate having another option. Maybe after having it I would change my opinion.

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Speaking for myself, I appreciate the current way the UI is structured. It is clear & clean. The only thing is that I use to arrange blocks bottom-top (instead of left-right) in order to save screen space (for Data frame mainly).

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You might find feature 17 here useful.

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Thank you sir!
If I may abuse, adding mutiple Col’s & Rows with PIVOT block would be awesome as well :slight_smile:

It is on the wishlist, but won’t be in v2.0.


We looked more into doing this. But it is quite a big change, so it has been pushed back to a future release after v2.0. Sorry.

Same here. I’ve been arranging my tiles from top to bottom, left to right, for some time now.

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