Logging information

Picking up one topic of the Pane Layout discussion (Alternative Pane Layouts), were Logging information is mentioned.

I use batch processing massively and process often larger numbers of files selected with “*”. Sometimes I struggle with the logging information as the processing is so fats, that you don’t see what is stated in the logging window space. There is no real summarized information in the window. At the end it just state the complete batch has used (here) 0.532 seconds, but there is no information how many files are read, if there were errors, etc. The log file has the same structure as the information in the window.

Is it possible to extend the output in V2 with a summary about correct processes and errors. When it shows errors it is possible to find them with the information given, but normally I don’t scroll though the log information, specially when high number of files are processed.

Yes, it could do with a summary of any issues. I will make a note to look into it.

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In v2 batch processing now reports:
-any errors from transforms (such as severity=error verification fails)
-displays the total number of errors at the end

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tested it, works. Very helpful.

Thanks a lot

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Hi Andy,

might it be possible to add another summary line, telling how many files are processed?

I’ll make a note. I should be able to add that in the next release.