What new features would you like to see?

Another wish would be to have EDT bringing up a dialog box when starting, asking to open the last transform, choose another recent transform or create a new one.

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I will add this to the wishlist. As a workaround for now, create a “master.transform” file with those transforms and ‘file>save as’ that to create a new .transform file.

The Stats transform can already calculate mean, median and s.d. I guess those could also be added to Summary.

What do you mean by ‘normality’?

Do you use ‘mode’ much? It would probably only make sense for integer (whole number) values, not real values.

Can you email me an example input and what you want the corresponding output to be, so I can see exactly what you want.

Ok, thanks.

You can click at button at the top right of the right pane to make it full screen.

That doesn’t look too hard to parse. But I’ve never heard of px files before. How much is it used? The github page looks rather quiet.

Comments and blank rows should be easy enough to remove using a Filter transform alone. If you have a few rows of header data in your CSV or Excel file, you can just not input them using Ignore.

A ‘Remove Rows’ transform similar to Remove Cols would be ok for small datasets. But would be problematic if you had a million+ rows. We would potentially have to render all million+ rows in the right hand pane, which would bring your computer to it’s knees. Even if we only rendered a few hundred rows at a time, scrolling through and unchecking individual rows would be a real pane on a big dataset.

Yes, the current option whether to Load previous file at start-up is a bit limited. And can be a pain if the previous file takes a minute to load. I will add that to the wishlist.

This last comment about a start panel is really important. Very annoying having the latest file to load and no other options. I would put this on the top of my list.

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I agree that with tons of records the computation would be very processor intensive.
I already use Ignore to remove the top rows, another option would be to have an Ignore top rows and ignore bottom rows with the options of specifying from which row ignoring.

Px is a standard format for statistical files that has been developed in Sweden and it is currently used by many national and international statistical offices.

Great! EDT is full of pleasant surprises!
And by clicking on the cogwheel image I also have more data real estate.
Thank you for the tip.

That is fairly easy to do. Hopefully it will be in the next release.

You should be able to do that already with the recently added Slice transform (you might need Row Num as well).

Presumably that is more important as an input, rather than an output?

I checked using Google Adwords and there are very few online searches related to “px file” or “px file format”. But if there are a number of people who really want it, I will certainly consider it.

Some features are more ‘discoverable’ than others. ;0)

Another feature that is easy to miss is double-clicking on row or column headers on a data table to get summary information on the row/column.

Definitely for input!

Great feature, that I did not know was there.

As a wish for an upcoming version: show frequencies for all values (or limit to the top 500/1000 most frequent items) image

To ensure the correct hypothesis test is done, we need to understand if the data is “Normally” 'distributed. There are several tests to check for normality such as,

Anderson-Darling test - This test compares the ECDF (empirical cumulative distribution function) of your sample data with the distribution expected if the data were normal. If the observed difference is adequately large, you will reject the null hypothesis of population normality.

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Pivot Transform with more than one calculated result e.g. Count, Sum, …


Pivot Transform - add an option to create an index number in the pivot. I’ve discovered EDT as a fantastic tool to create ‘normalized reference’ tables similar to a database, resulting in smaller datasets.


It you want to get all the frequencies, you can use a Count transform,

Implementing Anderson-Darling is probably a bit too niche and out of scope for Easy Data Transform. But, if we had a few people requesting it, we might consider it.

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I will make a note of that.

I would have to see an example of that to understand it better. Perhaps start a new ‘feature request’ post?