Stats transformation - view of results

I have sometimes transformation where I have multiple Stats transformation (with Minimum, Max, etc.) and I want to compare for different data sets within one transom-program visually.

The results are at the bottom of the tables, it is a “small” pain to push everything changing from on Stats transformation to the next, the “Scroll to botton” button. It would be nice to have a possibility to show the results on top of the table.

I suppose we could have an option to put the Stats summary at the top of dataset. But it feels a bit wrong, somehow.

I know, was thinking on it too if it is a valid approach, but at least in my case I don‘t process data with Stat results any further (beside of writing into a file). So it would‘t harm … but make analysis and compare a little faster.

Or you could have a button “Invert view” which reversed the order of all rows (revertable by the same button of course) without having to re-sort, given this can already be done within existing transforms with a Row Num sort.

The latter can also be done with consecutive sorts, the second reversing the first, to provide an intermediate viewing platform.

It inherent in the design that datasets are only modified by transforms and a transform that just reverses the row order seems very limited.

It might be easier to just use Filter to keep only the last row (which has Sum in column 1)…

Well, that is there in sort by row number for us. :slight_smile:

That or Filter will provide the side or intermediate view. If Row Num were already in the data set, I would use that rather than checking the filter was unique.

Or maybe I would just click on the base area of the scroll bar (“scroll to here”). It’s worked before.