Splitting rows without shifting other columns values

dear support, i need to split rows without touching other columns values.
here an example
from this

to this

I have couples of people’s names side by side. I need to move the second under the first maintain all other data doubled for the new line, without shifting rows data. Hoping to have been clear enough.
thanks in advance


might not be the most elegant solution, but it works.

Transforms this table:



Stefano.transform (5.5 KB)


Thanks Olaf,
quite complex :slight_smile:
I need to understand your passages at the moment, but if it is working…


Here is another approach using Split Col into rows. Most of it is just deleting, reordering and renaming columns.

names.transform (3.8 KB)


had an idea for different solution:


Stefano2.transform (7.2 KB)

Just the order of rows is a different one.


Thanks a lot Olaf, thanks a lot Admin, I will experiment and understand how to do this task at best :slight_smile:

last one method seems complex but is really simple and effective :slight_smile:

There is another little problem. i need to maintain the couple information, in other words I need to know with whom the people in one column stays with the other after they are stacked.

Have a look:


The red marked Transformations are added or changed.

Stefano3.transform (8.3 KB)

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Thanks a lot olaf :slight_smile: i’d prefer to have a simple column with the same number for the same couple if possible.

I tried to add a simple column with subsequent numbers at the beginning of the transformation but I did not succeed :slight_smile:

with “couple” you mean the combination of both names?

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At best should be the second name of the Mr. so the second name of the man in the first row, if this is too complex could be simply a unique number (common to both names in the couple), or another unique txt sequence.

I don’t get it, can you show an example how it should look like?

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Here we are :slight_smile:

Hope that helps

Stefano4.transform (10.4 KB)

Please be aware that the stack has now a mark set

The transformation is based on the assumption that the last name of the MR is the couple last name. If Couple last name is in the data it is just like the Value 1,…n fields

Thanks olaf, i can’t figure out to use a regex formula to use only the first two spaces to split name and second name, because often I have composit second names (built from more than one word)

If you are lucky Anonymous, reads this, he is the expert for regex