Running Total equivalent or Unique for Strings


Is it possible to generated Running(Unique) or Running (Non Unique)

Related FMS Master DS This DS Sequence Running (Unique) Running (Non Unique)
3334 1 In Progress In Progress In Progress
3334 2 In Progress In Progress In Progress, In Progress
3334 7 Not Started In Progress,Not Started In Progress, In Progress, Not Started
3336 1 Completed Completed Completed
3336 2 In Progress Completed, In Progress Completed, In Progress
3336 3 Not Started Completed, In Progress, Not Started Completed, In Progress, Not Started
3336 4 In Progress Completed, In Progress, Not Started Completed, In Progress, Not Started, In Progress
3336 5 Not Started Completed, In Progress, Not Started Completed, In Progress, Not Started, In Progress, Not Started

You could use Unique to generate the final state. But I can’t (yet) think of a way to generate the intermediate states.

That’s where I got stuck at too

Maybe javascript , if yes need hlep !

The Javascript transform won’t help, as it only operates on one row at a time.

How about a Lookup with “Bottom values used: All”?

That doesn’t do the cumulative addition.

Yes it is possible.

Transform file.
RunningTotalEquivalent.transform (5.9 KB)

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HOLY WOW !! Thank you , studying the javascript right now ! Saved me from making python scripts :smiley:

Nice. I am reminded that the people who design Formula 1 cars are not the same people that race them. ;o)


I am currently looking at additional match options for Lookup, such as contains in addition to exact and fuzzy. It might be a lot easier to do the above if Lookup had an option to match by less than equal.

YESSS !! Will help with string manipulation a lot easier