Row Number/Index for Multiple Files Output

Since we can output to multiple files , it would be great to have an index or row number for multiple files output .

Currently If I try to output below in multiple files

The idea with index would be to get
File A

File B

Hi Prashant,

what do you intend to reach?

Form my under standing the multiple files out put create the FileA and FileB each with a lot or rows. But not a file per row?

But if you can do row numbering or create a new column with value 1 and use total to do a numbering per group/filename and concat the value with the filename column you use for the output.

I’m not sure I understand what you are trying to do.

Thanks this is precisely what I wanted . Thanks for the reminder on this

Sorry about that , you recently showed me how to do totally by column and I completely forgot it can be implemented here too as an index

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@prashant But I‘m still curious what you want to reach, you really want to write each row in a single file?

I wanted to have an index for each (multiple) file which I was generating. So each file has its row index running.

I was able to achieve this with total as per your reminder :smiley:

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o.k. you were looking for index within the resulting file :+1:
Your description was a little misleading. Happy to help.

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My Bad !!! and thank you