I am just reworking a project that has six branches, each with an output file that has a filename that helps me find what each branch does.
Now I am working on embedding a date in the output file name and the only way to do that is to use “Multiple Files” instead of single file and making sure that every row has the same filename column.
As a sideffect, I can’t see any more which branch outputs what.
It would be great if the output transform could display its Alias instead of just “Multiple files”.
I can add a note to each output file transform, but it would be nicer if the transform could display its Alias instead.
I don’t get your point about the alias 100%.
But you can add a date into a single output file, too:
The charm of multiple file output is that you can split the out put based on the data, so even for unknown number of variances it distributed.As a sideffect, I can’t see any more which branch outputs what.
As a sideffect, I can’t see any more which branch outputs what.
But you see it in the files written.
In case you have just the 6 fixed branches you can split by 6 parallel filters each branch and output into single files.in this case you can see the part for each branch in the transformation flow. But multiple file output is from my perspective the more flexible choice, specially in case of changing split criteria.
The alias is shown in the tooltip:
Also you could add a note.
@Olaf The {date} doesn’t work since it’s the current date, and I am processing the previous month’s data. So I am looking this month for example at putting “2024-11” in the filenames in this case for filing them, but the processing happens in December.
@Admin I do see the pop-up, but it’d be just nicer to just see it in the project without making everything smaller again by adding a note. Maybe displaying “MF: Alias” instead of the “Multiple Files”. Just the way my brain would prefer it
Here’s the file I am just reworking. The first couple items I have added the Note already, the other ones are still single output file.
Just something I use with the Multiple file operation, I pick with meta data the last modification date $(FileUpdatedDate), which I use later on in the file name (concatenated fields). But if the files from last month are touched in current month this way wouldn’t help
you know the shortcut CTRL-M or COMMAND-M on Mac for Magnify?
And your about 50 transformations are not that much, one of my biggest ones had >500 transformations in it , there I was lost with documentation. To help on controlling this, after some discussion somewhere in the forum, fantastic Andy/Admin added the Magnify and the search in EDT
Would like to see a screenshot of that!
It is high on the wishlist to add containers for grouping items in the center pane. Hopefully that will also help with lots of center pane items.
I usually use CTRL-scrollwheel on the mouse. Yes - very handy to be able to zoom, otherwise it could get a very lengthy document to scroll up and down. Over 500 - wow - hope I don’t have to do that…
Yeah - in this use case the reports for the previous month are created manually in the first few days of the month following.
Did you enable it in the View menu? See the screen cap above.
Note that this is configurable in Preferences.
The biggest I found sponantously:
I did generate between 200 and 300 file and included work distribution personalized for about 80 persons. Helped in my job as test manager with flexible number of testers, so work distribution was every day for different number of persons, using multiple file creation.

It is enabled, but doesn’t work:
And did you type something in the Comment tab of the item?

And did you type something in the Comment tab of the item?
- I just saw “Alias=output” in your sample and assumed it would show that if the Alias was set to output.
I clearly need more coffee. Sorry.
A lot of coffee has been consumed in the writing of Easy Data Transform.
That’s pretty impressive!