Oryx Digital sponsored team wins gold

Our company (Oryx Digital Ltd) sponsored the UK’s Ridgeway Rocket Club youth rocketry team. Oryx Digital director Andy Brice also mentored the team.

On the Friday the team won gold at the International Rocketry Challenge at the Paris Airshow, beating the best teams from USA, France and Japan. This is after beating 180 other UK teams to win the UK Youth Rocketry Challenge. We are very proud of them!

Ben, John and Sanjay.

The team with Charley Duke, 10th man to walk on the moon.

The team with UK volunteers, Oryx Digital Director Andy Brice (in blue) and a space chicken (!).

An onboard video of the rocket launch:


I love this! Look how proud everyone is.

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directory should be director right?.

Yes! Typo now corrected.

Wonderful contribution to the future, and what an unforgettable encounter with an Apollo moon walker!

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Congratulation to you and the team !

I’m now wondering how you get a missile through security…

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It did raise a few eyebrows.

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