Insert Lookup Transform in existing connection


is it possible to insert a Lookup-Transform, or any other transform, that requires two or more inputs in an existing connection? How do you do that? When inserting a transform, you usually activate the connection, but that’s not acceptable as input for Lookup, it seems.

Best, Jochen

You should be able to select an existing connection and click Lookup to add a Lookup transform between the existing items. What version of Easy Data Transform are you on?

My Version is 1.47.0 Mac

Lookup needs two inputs. I can use two inputs to add a Lookup, branching the workflow, but not a connection and a source. This will not let me add a Lookup.

Ah! You can add a Lookup by only selecting the connection and add the second input later…
Aha… I did not try this - thanks for the pointer

Yes, sorry we didn’t explain that better!