How to sort a column

When I use a sort node (descending) on a column it sorts like this:

But I want it to sort like this:

Is there a setting I am missing?
error - search

It sorts how you expect in v1.46.5:

What version do you have?

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Thank you!
I had an older version but I just upgraded to 1.46.5 and its still not sorting like that

I think the column Comp is interpreted as characters, the “,” is not interpreted as number separator. Therefore ist sorts a you show. Maybe you need to check your settings.

When I remove the , or remove it, the row is interpreted as number (I have German settings) it works as I think you expect it:

Sort_Num_Format.transform (3.8 KB)

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Ah yes. I think you are on to something. Thanks for the transform Olaf. I tried your solution (replace) and a few other tweaks but it didn’t quite fix it, but I think you are right that it is not interpreting it correctly, I just can’t find where to set that in a way that solves it. I have only tried a few but I think the solution is in this approach. Thanks!

I added a Num Format with the default setting but changed the setting “Non-Numeric” to “Change to 0” and it sorts correctly now.
The problem seems to have been that 3 entries had “< 20” instead of a number.

Thanks for the help!

by the way, sometime it helps to understand what happen to use the “value analysis” (I don’t know how Andy names this correctly :wink:)


Are commas recognized as thousand delimiters in your choice of Locale in Preferences? If not, it won’t recognize 2,000,000 as a number. Try making a copy of the column with Copy Col and removing the commas with Replace. If that does’t work please email support a small example showing the problem. Or you can change General>Locale in Preferences.

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Thank you!
You may have missed my post above where I mention that I solved the problem (and how)

I added a Num Format with the default setting but changed the setting “Non-Numeric” to “Change to 0” and it sorts correctly now.
The problem seems to have been that 3 entries had “< 20” instead of a number.

Thanks as always for the help and good tips!

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