Feedback request - copying data and line feeds

Currently if you copy this to the clipboard:


You get on Windows:


(‘\n’ instead of ‘\r\n’ on Mac).

A user has suggested that this should instead be:


(no \r\n on the last value). Would this cause an issue for anyone?

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That is a good suggestion, and I would add to it, that if only one value is selected then also no new line, as from time to time, I am copying single column cell value that is used to check or search in some other place and every time, I have to remove the new line character after pasting, did not occur to me to ask you if this could be changed.

Since you are thinking on it, if it is not much of a hassle, then can you incorporate this change as well?


no issue, but I think it is more logical that each value included has a clear end and the cursor is underneath the last line included (in an editor). So it is clear it isn’t an incomplete row.

Sorry in opposite to @Anonymous I wouldn’t change it.


@Olaf, the user is requesting change in copying from the result of a transform to quick copy paste in some other place, as I mentioned that I take single column cell value to check it at other place, or copy it, in some other text, and every time, after copying I need to fix the text, that gets pushed to new line.

It is not change in the final result when you output to a file or something or even if that is the case, then some applications or scripts do create issue with the extra line and consider that as blank.

I understand the request from where it is coming, as sometimes in a rush you forget to remove that extra empty line when you copy paste or take in the output in some other place for processing.


@Admin or you can provide this as an option? that will satisfy all, as it is really needed not to keep removing the extra line when you copy paste it in some other place.

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I would agree with Anonymous, I will also admit that I am the user that requested this change.

The single cell doesn’t contain a line break and copying that cell would work the same way as it does in Excel, I had the exact same issue with pasting the cell content into another application or into a line of code that then includes an unwanted return character at the end.

A vertical selection of cells from a table would have a line ending after each cell as it does now, just not the last one, and a single cell would be the same as it is the last item and so no additional return character.

That would be the plan. No \r\n (CRLF) is added to the final row of data. If you only copy one cell, then that is only 1 row of data and no \r\n would be added.

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Options/Preferences add more complexity to the UI and more burden on the user. They also make the documentation more complex. So we try to avoid them where we can.


I know, through your posts on the forum, that you avoid adding options (which is good), I made that suggestion thinking for people who would prefer the current way and for those of us who don’t want the new line can toggle in the option which change it from default to not put those extra new line characters.


It is easy enough to add as an option. But it is also the coward’s way out!


Please care to explain, what do you mean by it, how it is Coward’s way out, providing what the user wants?.

If you do put this change and no new line character for the last cell in the list, then how would you cater for users like @Olaf who prefer to have the cursor in the next line after copying, as per their logic, they did not miss or stop in middle of copying for the last cell and did not miss out any data during copy.

So without an option? how this can be done? how catering for your users makes you Coward? by your own definition?

And if we go by your wordings that adding option is Coward’s way out, then you are already Coward, because I can count so many options already in the program? (this is on a lighter side as joke)

A product owner has to make a lot of difficult decisions, balancing different competing needs. At each point they can just add another option in Preferences, but this means more complexity for the user interface, more mental overhead for the users and more documentation. In most cases it is just better to make a decision, one way or the other. In this case it isn’t too much extra burden for some users to have to add or remove a carriage return after pasting, so scarcely seems worth the complexity of an option in Preferences.

As said in my first post, for me it would be no issue for me if the CR/LF would be removed in the last row, I personally think it is not 100% logical, but I see the benefit for some users. In the case here I would recommend to explain the behaviour in documentation and skip a option. There are more valuable transactions for option.

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