Command lines errors


I am having trouble with the command lines. I get several errors (as listed below) and when i get rid of one error i get another!


  • /c command too long (so tried to use batch file run1)
  • The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
  • Alias ‘"inc’ not recognized
  • ‘"C:\Program Files\EasyDataTransform_1_45_0\EasyDataTransform_1_45_0.exe"’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.

Command line copied from transform file:
“C:\Program Files\EasyDataTransform_1_45_0\EasyDataTransform_1_45_0.exe” “C:\Users\Katie Work PC\Documents\MEFFA database testing\GENERAL\GPS combined_working.transform” -file “inc=C:\Users\Katie Work PC\Documents\MEFFA database testing\NOR\MAU\2023\GPX\D0616-D0728 2023-07-11.gpx” -file “cor=C:\Users\Katie Work PC\Documents\MEFFA database testing\NOR\SUL\2022\GPX\2022-08-17_V0501-V0606.gpx” -file “obs=C:\Users\Katie Work PC\Documents\MEFFA database testing\Coords for student observations_anchor.xls” -file “gps=C:\Users\Katie Work PC\Documents\MEFFA database testing\GPS data_anchor.xls” -cli -verbose

set “searchpathway=C:\Users\Katie Work PC\Documents\MEFFA database testing”
set “run2=C:\Users\Katie Work PC\Documents\MEFFA database testing\run2.bat”

forfiles /s /p “%searchpathway%” /m *.gpx /c “cmd /c call "%run2%" -cli -verbose”

@echo off
set “exe=C:\Program Files\EasyDataTransform_1_45_0\EasyDataTransform_1_45_0.exe”
set “tran=C:\Users\Katie Work PC\Documents\MEFFA database testing\GENERAL\GPS combined_working.transform”
set “cor=C:\Users\Katie Work PC\Documents\MEFFA database testing\NOR\SUL\2022\GPX\2022-08-17_V0501-V0606.gpx”
set “obs=C:\Users\Katie Work PC\Documents\MEFFA database testing\Coords for student observations.xls”
set “gps=C:\Users\Katie Work PC\Documents\MEFFA database testing\GPS data.xls”

“%exe%” “%tran%” -file "inc=@file" -file "%cor%" -file "%obs%" -file "%gps%" -cli -verbose"

Any help would be appreciated:)

I’m not an expert in Windows Cmd shell but rather than:

set “searchpathway=C:\Users\Katie Work PC\Documents\MEFFA database testing”


set searchpathway="C:\Users\Katie Work PC\Documents\MEFFA database testing”

Also for other variables.