December 4, 2024, 10:53am
If we have some data in this form:
And we want to find the percentage of each status by gender, we can do a Pivot :
And then Scale to 100 by column:
To get the percentage by status, we just change Of to Each row :
To get the percentage of the total, we just change Of to All values :
To get a fraction, we just change Scale to to 1 :
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December 4, 2024, 2:19pm
I just tried it with an existing pivot which had the totals in it. In this case just double the scale value from 100 to 200 and it works, fine without further changes.
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December 4, 2024, 2:32pm
Yes, I deliberately row and column totals out to keep it simple. If you have got totals, you will need to change Scale to accodingly.
Thanks for posting this ! I honestly didn’t even know Scale existed !
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