Append and changing entry of stats

It looks that i am on the right track, thanks to forum and your help. Thank you very much.

I am wondering about two things at the moment.

When i use the Stat transformation, it will write Sum in the first column. Could i have this entry in a different column and could i have my local translation instead of Sum?

I have a lookup transformation to create a new column with a specific entry, therefore the Data looks like this:

I’d like to have a XLSX as a report, which appends the first entry to table Consulting, the second one to Table Support and the third one to table Programming

Any chance to achieve that?

It only really makes sense for Stats to place the sum in the same column.

You can use transforms to manipulate it into a different column.

You can use Replace to change it from ‘Sum’.

Yes, use the multiple files output feature.

multi-sheet.transform (2.2 KB)