Aeon Timeline import with EDT

I like to hack around at writing fiction. I figure creative writing might come in handy, for example, if I ever land a job as an Ernst and Young auditor (rimshot, please).

Curio is a notebook application, nice for both fiction and academic notes, that will export the results of a search. Aeon Timeline is a great timeline utility.

I can give Start and Done dates to index cards in Curio’s presentation, add custom metadata for certain Aeon Timeline fields like Observer and Participant, and export all that metadata from Curio into a CSV file.

It’s almost perfect, except duplicate rows need to be zapped, extraneous columns removed, “duration” and “duration units” columns need to be concatenated, and a number of columns renamed.

A terrible situation, were it not for an obvious solution.

EDT to the rescue.

In Curio, I wax poetic about dark and stormy nights. My Curio notes tunnel through EDT to become a companion timeline.

I think the same thing could be done to export Obsidian notes through EDT to Aeon. Tools like EDT are useful in many ways.

Happy, happy, happy.



CSV is both a terrible format and extremely useful. If you feel like uploading a sample Curio → Aeon or Obsidian → Aeon .transform file, that might be useful for someone else.

Here’s a sample - it’s not rocket science, just a little little bit of EDT glue between two useful applications that aren’t intended to interoperate.

Curio-2-aeon.transform is the EDT file. Curio-out.csv is the output from Curio, and aeon-input.csv is what the EDT transform writes, ready for input into Aeon.

curio-2-aeon.transform (3.8 KB)

curio-out.csv (1.6 KB)

aeon-input.csv (754 Bytes)

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