Recording the name of the source file?


Is there a way toreco


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Do you want to know how you can add the name of a file to its dataset? If, so just use the Meta Information field for the input.

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As a new user I just started to try to wrap my head around a long term archive strategy.
As it is super helpful to know the source of the data when using the output file, I am worried that on the long run I will be in need to trace back the .transform file from the output (or input) file.

Is there a handy solution for this?

I just played around for a couple days with your program (it’s great by the way), but I can imagine after a while to get a huge amount of transform files. How to keep track wich is the correct .transform for the output?

This is a problem that has been around forever and is bigger than Easy Data Transform. However I would recommend:

  • Include the name of the .transform file in the output data file, where this is possible, or write a supplementary .txt file (with the same file stem as the output) that has the information about the transform (e.g. when it was done, what the .transform file location was etc).
  • Consider using a version control system (such as git or Subversion) for your .transform files and (if they aren’t too big) data files.

We could possibly include the location of the .transform file as an option in the Stamp transform to make the first item above easier.

I may very humbly -since I have no clue of coding- add that I could imagine to add the “MyTransform”.tranform name to the metadata if it has a different value than “MyTransform”.

It would do the job just fine, since paths may break over time when the file is moved.

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In the latest snapshot you can now optionally add the name of the .transform file using the Stamp transform. Please see:

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That’s so great!
May I add that I am amazed how nicely done your software is. Excellent design. That’s some fine work.
(Although you could have given the manual a more prominent position. In the beginning I didn’t knew there was one. It was so much fun to play around, I forgot to look for it. :smiley: And again: beatiful work there as well.)

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